
The development of teaching, training, management and research professions is one of the key vectors to change on which the Council’s Strategic Vision of Reform 2015-2030 is based. The Council emphasizes indeed that the reform depends on the continuous upgrading of skills and on the improvement of practicing conditions of all categories of education actors, at all levels : preschool educators, teachers, professional training instructors, school managers and pedagogical inspection, supervision and planning personnel, be it at the central, regional or provincial levels, or at the level of education, training and research institutions.

As a remainder, the Strategic Vision of Reform provides for the following :

  • Redefining the missions, roles and skills profiles related to these professions, in such a way as to meet the requirements of society and to keep up with the changing functions and performances of school in Morocco and at the international level ;
  • Encouraging all initiatives undertaken by education actors, aiming at innovating and promoting school, learning and training quality, in line with school programs and curricula ;
  • Defining generic and specific skills profiles for every category of actors while taking into account work environment and conditions, free initiative, creativity, innovation and research ;
  • Making initial training mandatory and professionalizing for all education professions, taking into consideration the particularities of each ;
  • Opting for a continuous skills training throughout actors’ work life ;
  • Managing actors’ career efficiently on the basis of support, assessment and performance and efficiency based promotion ;
  • Providing actors with material and moral support and improving work and professions’ exercise conditions ;
  • Establishing a balance between the exercise of rights and the performance of obligations in conjunction with responsibility and accountability.



The Symposium Videos
